

LN2 Freezer

Monitor, log and document the temperature in your liquid nitrogen freezer, with the TENAK LabLogger. It has never been easier.

Monitor, log and document the temperature in your liquid nitrogen freezer, with the TENAK LabLogger.Just connect the LabLogger to a PT100/PT1000 sensor placed inside the tank, and you are already logging.

Monitor the temperature variation inside the tank, by placing the PT100/PT1000 probe at the point inside the tank where you wish to monitor the temperature. F.ex. at the top of the tank, and make sure that the samples placed in top always maintain the desired temperature. 

All your temperature data is being logged in real time and are always available to you in the intuitive to work with platform at Easily insure the quality and integrity of your samples by setting up alarms and get notified when conditions change and various against the thresholds specified by you.

Share your temperature data and/or alarm notifications with your colleagues, just by sending them an email giving them access to 

In Mylog you can get an overview of the temperature in all your connected LN2 freezers and with preconfigured reports quickly see long term temperature development. 

The TENAK LabLogger is ideal for documenting that your samples are stored at the most optimal temperature and securing that your Liquid Nitrogen freezer is always performing.


What you need

All you need to start monitoring temperature is a internet connection,
one LabBird, one LabLogger and a login to